?? ? 2020
ima be for real i hate looking back at my old projects since it just gives me heavy band kid vibes and glad none of my old projects made out alive. oh right uhh this idk a fnaf 2d platformer and it sucks the game build is lost (good) and never will see the light of day
Category: Video Game.
Themes: 2d platformer
Status: l o s t m e d i a f o r e v e r
Apr 6, 2020
this project is more i made for fun and ill admit this is embbarasining to say but this is what kick started my love for animation this game is a modded version of a popular roblox game "a bizzare day" with again my own twists but the game never got far in development the game is still open to this day here.
Category: Video Game.
Themes: MMORPG
Status: Canned
Jul 19, 2019
after a long break i felt confident on trying left for survival 2 another attempt to make a R2da inspired game again but if you already saw the red canned you can tell what happend, again same idea. no playable archives are available due to the game and old builds being broken
Category: Video Game.
Themes: FPS, Zombie Survival, Round based
Status: Canned
Dec 12, 2018
left 2 survival (L2S from now on) is a roblox game inspired by R2da it was going to be a carbon copy of r2da with my own twist again like last time most details of L2S has been lost. a playable archive avalable to play here.
Category: Video Game.
Themes: FPS, Zombie Survival, Round based
Status: Canned
Aug 3, 2018
The Legend Of Dark And Light (TLDL from now on) is the first project ive worked on its a buggy unoptimised mess of a game but we all start from somewhere. Most details of TLDL has been lost due to my brain not needing the info anymore (most ideas has been reused or will be reused in future projects). if you want to play the mess thats TLDL i have a archive avalable to play here.
Category: Video Game.
Themes: RPG
Status: Canned